Flex Kinetics specialized trainers and programming allows for convenient, motivational and knowledgable workouts. Ranging from cardio, strength training, yoga, and pre/post natal exercise, information acquired during initial consultation is utilized to create a personalized and efficient program. Our trainers can meet you at your home, local park, apartment complex gym or virtually. We meet you where it's convenient for you and we'll bring the equipment.     

Training Services

Flex Kinetics trainers create programs that are dynamic and progressive in order challenge our clients and achieve the best results!

Strength Training

Certified trainers use tailored programs in order to help you improve your overall health and wellness and fitness level. Our strength training programs utilize resistance in order to produce muscle contractions and assist is building anaerobic endurance. This increases skeletal muscle size and builds overall strength. The combination of various exercises with varying sets, reps and tempos builds muscular strength and makes desired results achievable. 

Sports Conditioning

No matter the sport, our trainers can help you improve your game! Our Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist will train you to have better coordination, agility, speed, power and strength. Our sport specific training programs are combined with fundamental athletic programs. Athletes of all ages, athletic ability, skill level and sports can train with Flex Kinetics.

Senior Fitness

It’s essential to remain active in order to keep our bodies healthy and strong as we grow in age. Exercising on a regular basis can help boost energy and recovery from illness. Other benefits include improved posture, maintaining body weight and minimizing risks associated with falls. Our team of experienced personal trainers can help you stay on track to maintain a full and healthy lifestyle throughout your life. Our trainers can help you get your body and mind into shape through a personalized exercise program focused on functional strength training, balance, stretching and cardiovascular activities.

Virtual Training

Your trainer will instruct, inform and motivate you throughout a remote session, demonstrating exercises right before your very eyes to ensure proper form and technique is executed. Our well trained team will use the information found in your fitness assessment to create a personalized fitness program. You and your trainer can discuss the frequency of sessions and how they will be carried out in order to reach your desired fitness goals. 

Group Training

Working out with friends, family, or loved ones is a great motivator to get fit and stay fit while avoiding the hassle of gym membership fees, finding gym group training classes that work with everyone’s schedules, and taking a gamble on the cleanliness and safety conditions of the gym. Best of all, group participants enjoy the additional benefit of reduced training fees!

Cardio Fitness

Allow our trainers to get your heart rate going with some cardio! This training gets the heart and lungs to pump oxygen rich blood to the muscles of the body in order to produce energy for movement. Cardio is ideal for burning body fat and losing weight by burning consumed calories.

Youth Fitness

Our trainers work with children to develop an exercise routine that is personalized to meet each individual child’s needs. We never push young clients to impossible lengths or ask them to perform routines they’re not comfortable with. Our personal trainers emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle at a young age, including the body’s muscular functions and proper nutrition. We work with parents to help their child improve overall health and enhance a positive self-image.

Stop waiting.      
Start training.

Let's Get Started!

Connect with Flex Kinetics and find your trainer today!